Saturday, May 14, 2016

Wyatt Boys Birthday!

Wyatt loves celebrating and his birthday is no exception! He loves surprising others and is such a sweet boy! Although he can be super hyper and rambunctious sometimes ( what little boy isn't) he can also be calm, sweet, and thoughtful! Wyatt we Celebrated by throwing a Monster Jam party for you. Grave Digger is your favorite Monster Truck driver and you love Monster trucks in general. We invited friends, cousins, and family to your party. We had pizza and a neat Monster Jam cake for you. We also had a piñata that looked like the Grave digger truck! You had friends at school sing to you and your teachers made you a fun birthday crown. You brought super hero fruit snacks as a birthday treat to school to share with all your friends there. We also went to dinner at Gecko's Grill. Its a mexican restaurant that sings to you and makes you where a sombrero while they bring your fried ice cream to you! You got super heroes, baseball stuff, dress ups, and much more. You were spoiled and really felt special on your big day! Two months later I am writing this and you are already asking when your birthday is :) You love to flex your muscles like Hulk, You love when we let you watch parts of super hero movies like Avengers or Transformers, You love learning and have taught me so much about dinosaurs and numbers that you are learning at school. Your teachers all adore you. Everyone loves your big smile and your eyes that light up when you are happy or see something you like. You like to draw pictures of our family and give them to us. You are such a handsome, smart, and adventurous young boy that loves to be on the go! We love you and are so lucky you are a part of our family!!!
flexing his "hulk" muscles.
opening gifts from your brother and sisters.

Cute crown you got at preschool.
Wyatt and Will. Born just a few weeks apart. Good buddies.
Wyatt loved his Monster Jam cake!
Bailey and cousin Trey on the plasma cars.
playing soccer with friends, uncle collin, and cousin colby.
Best friends, Brock and Brady White
Good friends Wyatt and Emme

Piñata time!

Sophia using uncle chad as a comfy chair!

Great Grandma Curtis was so nice to come celebrate with us!
Fun Party friends!

opening presents:)
Grandma Curtis with the birthday boy!
Batman here to save the day!
Ice cream at Geckos Grill with the family!

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