I love his little faces he makes. He looks so adorable in his track suit.
Bentley playing with the football outside.
Bentley coming after the camera
He loves crawling in his toy basket or the laundry baskets after he has emptied their contents.
My handsome boy ready for church
Wow has this month flown by! I guess I shouldn't be surprised because 2009 flew by just as fast. Bentley has grown up so much and is learning so many things. I feel as though he wasn't my baby boy for very long. He is now taking steps all around the house, climbing on things, open and closing cupboards and doors, expressing himself with sounds(jiberesh), and signs ( more food ). He imitates almost anything we do whether it's clapping, waving, kissing, dancing, ect. Lets just say Jon and I are surprised everyday by something new he learns to do. He will be one in a couple of weeks and I feel confused at how fast the time has gone. Being a parent really is the most rewarding and frustrating thing I will ever do. He can say mama and dada and loves to hear our voices when we are on the phone. His smile just melts our hearts, and his laughter is so contagious. He loves to play tag, patty cake, hide and seek, and walk between us. Bentley also loves taking walks in grandma's wagon, going to the park to swing, and playing with friends (mostly his aunts and uncles). Here are just a few pics of our month.
I seriously can't believe how big he is! How could he possibly be walking already? What a darling little guy he is. We sure miss you guys!!!
By the way, this is Saedi, I'm just on Dan's computer :)
He is so big now, and is such a cutie!!! Time does go by fast. I can't believe its already february tomorrow!
How is he already turning one?? He's so cute. Wish I got to spend more time with him in person!
He has grown up a lot since I saw him at Grandpas! They always do that naughty get too big too fast thing!
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