Ok back to our trip.... It was Bentley's first Christmas so i was so excited to see him on Christmas morning. He didn't act to interested though and would barely even open his gifts. I still had fun watching him and creating memories with our family. Jon got me some new boots, and cute sweaters. I got him modern warfare 2, and some other things he had been wanting. We had so much fun seeing all the family we've missed and catching up with everyone. Jon had a blast playing pond hockey of course and got a really bad cold doing it(: What boys will do for the things they love.... Anyways, I mostly stayed inside and tried to keep warm with Bentley. We visited with family, and friends, and were able to see two movies while we were there. It has been a long time since Jon and I went to a movie so that was really fun. We also ate at some delicious restaurants and took in the beautiful scenery. Thanks everyone for the great time and for sharing time with us. Get ready for picture overload(:
Jons oldest sister Jen and her family with Bentley on our last night.
Noah giving Bentley a big hug.
Bentley kept playing with these wooden puzzle pieces the whole time we were there.
Jon and his sister Lexi playing Super Mario Bros on the Wii. What a fun game. Thanks a ton Lexi for letting us borrow your console for the week.
Close up of the snow on the tree
Running back to the house to get warm after our photo shoot(: The wind of course had to pick up right as we were taking our pictures, but oh well.
Me and my boy! We were frozen can you tell(:
Family picture with a canadian winter back drop. Nature is beautiful and amazing.
Freezing while taking family pictures.
Family Photo shoot and a very very cold, winters day. The trees were so beautiful though how the snow just hugged every branch.
Our faces became more white and frozen with every picture. Bentley was loving it though and thought the snowflakes were cool.
The deer were out on this freezing cold morning as well.
Jon, his mom, sister, and brother in-law, playing the new game I got him for Christmas called Ticket to Ride.
Bentley with his grandpa Anderson hanging out(:
Jon dropped one of his gloves in the field as he was running after the deer so I put on a coat and went out to get it. When I got out there Jon was taking pretty pictures of the sunset and then he decided to turn the camera on me and start taking pics. He pretended to be a professional and was telling me how to pose like in this first one. I think he is a great photographer but it was funny.
I woke up from a nap one day and I looked out the window to see Jon in gum boots running across the fields chasing the deer. I guess he had been following them all over the place and was taking pictures of them. Jon also wanted to take pictures around his house because the city is moving outward and he isn't sure how much longer it will be like this. It is so beautiful around where he lives and the deer come every morning and night. He got some neat shots and had fun with our camera.
Great Grandpa Anderson on Christmas day.
cousin Jade giving Noah a horsey ride(: He loved this.
My sweet little boy thats almost eleven months. where has the time gone...
The boy cousins Noah, Vanden, and Bentley!
Bentley loved playing with Grandma's ornaments. I had a hard time keeping him away from them(:
All the boys. (Kurtis, Skyler, Noah, Bob, and Jon)
Bentley getting into Mischief as usual.
Kurtis, Mom Anderson, and Cheryl getting Christmas dinner ready! It was delicious turkey and mashed potatoes.
Family portrait taken outside in Jons backyard
Our little family!
Me and my angel boy in his cute Christmas sweater.
Bentley's Grandpa Anderson thought it would be funny to have Bentley wave the Canadian flag around. He loved it.
cousin Kira getting ready for Christmas breakfast.
Bentley and Mommy Christmas morning
Bentley and Daddy Christmas morning
Bentley on Christmas morning. It was so hard to try to get him to unwrap something. He just wasn't interested.
My Sister and Brother in-laws Lexi and Kurtis on Christmas morning. It was so fun to have them there.
Bentley boy trying to stay out of trouble. He is always getting into everything these days.
Bentley and cousin Kira. She was so good to play with him and keep him entertained.
Jon and his best buddy Scott getting ready to go play pond hockey.
Those pictures of your family are really great. Bentley is getting huge.
very cute pictures! it looks SO cold. My poor parents ;) they are having so much fun up there and claim they haven't felt too cold yet. You're little family is so cute Christi! We need to hang out one of these weekends.
I have one word to say.....COLD!
What fun in Canada! That is so great that you all got to go.
it looks freeeezing! but i love all the pictures. and I love the pics from the curtis family christmas as well, sad i didn't make it in town yet for that :( hope you're enjoying the new year!
Those pics in the snow are beautiful but look WAY too cold!
Did you finally decide to darken your hair? It looks great!
I have never been in snow like that! I love AZ too much to even try it!
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