Friday, May 05, 2017

March Madness 2017

March was filled with a lot of activities! We Went up North to Heber for part of Spring Break and to spend time with family! We also got to visit with our good friends the Bradshaws! The kids went swimming also and then sadly we all got really sick:( We were down for several weeks but we didn't allow that to take from spending time together! We went to the Lehi Days Rodeo at the beginning of March,  Wyatt played Hockey, Benltey play Basketball, Bailey danced, and Sophia cruised on her bike and scooter. We also had fun celebrating Wyatts 5th Birthday. I was able to sneak in a quick trip to see a wonderful friend from College and the biggest news is that we found out we are expecting another baby!
 Visiting my best friend Brittany in Texas for the first time! She was the best host! Love her!
 Attending a friends baptism with Bentley
 Bentley in front of the Gilbert AZ temple
 Bentley had a great first season playing basketball. He really did an awesome job and learned so much!
 Bentley with two of his best friends Brock and his cousin J
 The kids watching the rodeo at Lehi Days. This is always a fun tradition our family tries to attend and we all have a great time! We sure missed kevin as this was one of his favorite things to go to as well as participating in it!
 Sophia riding the horse
 Bailey riding the horse
 She loved the stars on its bum:)
 Bentley riding the horse.
 Bailey loved holding the chicks

 Sophia holding the bunny

 Bailey sheep riding

 My little cowgirl Bailey
 Wyatt is having a blast learning to play hockey!

 Wyatt learning the monkey bars
 Getting a treat as a reward for picking weeds in the back yard.
 Silly Wyatt
 Sophia made a mess of her yogurt! she loves yogurt!

 For spring break we went up to the Heber cabin and enjoyed going on hikes, playing games with cousins, riding motorcycles, building forts, and exploring.
 Bailey with her cousins Belle and Julz
 Bentley playing in the creek and looking for critters.
 Sophia got all wet and had to take her shorts off. Aunt Heidi was nice to walk around with her!
 Playing the candy bar game!

 Wyatt riding his motorcycle
 Swimming with friends for spring break. Wyatt loved this little boat
 Bentley sunbathing on the flamingo
 Sweet sisters.
 Taking a turn on the slide
 Bentley and Wyatt are such good brothers to help Sophia jump off the waterfall.

 Scuba Wyatt

 Just relaxing in the hot tub
 When I got to Texas Brittany took me to the Houston Texas Rodeo to have fun at the carnival and to watch Luke Bryan in concert. It was amazing and such a great time! She is such an amazing friend and wonderful example of perseverance to me! 
 Dad hung out with the kids while I was gone!
 We went to get Donuts  one morning for Wyatts birthday and a kind man gave Sophia and Wyatt a Hot Wheels car to take home!
 Our Wyatt boy turned 5! He is sun shine to our souls! He is my helper, joke maker, sensitive, funny, kind, smart little boy. He brings joy with his smile wherever he goes! He is learning to read, write, and play hockey right now. He is a hard worker!
 Bailey Worked so hard with me to do her diorama on the Peacock or more appropriately called the Peafowl bird. She is learning so much in kindergarten and is working so hard!
 Bailey and Dad got to get ready and go to a fun Daddy Daughter Dance!
 Snuggling on the front porch.

 Daddy Daughter Dance! 

 Bentleys last basketball game for the season.
 Anniversary Date! Jon agreed to not get each other anything but he surprised me with Tim Mcgraw and Faith Hill tickets! We listened to them while we were dating and still love their music so this will be a blast and a walk down memory lane. I am the luckiest to have Jon to go through life with. It is hard work but it is rewarding when we put God and each other first!
 Matching Daddy and Son. Wyatt wanted knew motorcycle gear for his Birthday! He loves the color orange!

 Jons Hockey team won the championship!
 Visiting our good friends the Bradshaws up in Heber and there was still snow in March!

 visiting with the silly llamas
 Bentley, Wyatt, and Cager

 All tuckered out and ready to sleep! I love that Wyatt sleeps like this. This was at the cabin and their were cousins playing all around him.

 Happy Birthday Wy Guy!
 Crazy hair Sophia!

 Some of the biggest news we found out was that we are expecting another Anderson baby! We are all thrilled and can't wait to meet this sweet spirit! Life will be crazy but it is the best most rewarding crazy!

 We celebrated Wyatt at bounce U with 20 of his friends and cousins! A Great Time was had by all! I think he felt pretty special!

 Bentley getting his first Scout award! He received the Bobcat and I received my first mom pin! He looked the best dressed and oh so handsome!

More Daddy Daughter Dance fun!

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