Jon and I are the proud parents of our sweet children Bentley, Bailey, Wyatt, Sophia, and Olivia. We love spending time as a family, especially outdoors. I enjoy being a mom, baking, reading, and working as a dental hygienist part time. Jon loves being a dad, playing hockey, riding dirt bikes, working out, and also keeps himself busy with his pest control company. Our kids keep us busy with sports, music, dance, gymnastics, and school.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Mothers Day!
This year on mothers day it was so nice being surrounded by all the people I love and that love me! They made the day extra special by serving me a delicious breakfast with an omelet, bacon, and orange juice. Jon also spoiled me this year by getting me an Ipad, and a Maid service to come clean my house. Both of which will come in handy very soon because I am getting back surgery on Wednesday the 16th of May! I will be out of commission for awhile and this scares me to pieces. I am glad to know my home will get a deep clean and that I will be entertained though! We went to church where some of the youth in our ward gave great talks on what they have learned from their moms and it was very touching to hear. One girl said she asked her mom if there was one piece of advice she could give what would it be. Her mom told her to stay close to the savior. This touched me to the soul. I have been worrying myself about how everything and everyone will get taken care of with my upcoming back surgery. I needed that reminder in church that when I stay close to my savior, he will help me get through anything. I am also humbled at my friends and family who have offered their help! I will be forever grateful for all of you and your kindness! We also went to my moms house where she (on her mothers day she was still giving giving giving) made a delicious cafe rio style meal and shortcake for dessert. It was soooo good. She is my angel and I couldn't ask for a better example to follow. We had fun visiting with everyone and watching the crazy kiddos play together! I am so grateful for all the wonderful examples of mothers that surround me and for the service they have given me over the years. I am grateful for the opportunity I have been blessed with to be a mother to my own children. The humble me everyday but I love those precious souls so much!
Me and my two handsome boys. I am So lucky!
This is the true madness that goes on haha.... no body looking, babies screaming.
Bailey the princess
Bailey the sassy girl:)
our sweet wyatt
He is 7 weeks and loves to coo and visit. He is so much fun to stare at and get cute smiles from!
Bentley boy is such a smarty these days. Always pointing out words, letters, shapes, and colors to me everywhere we go. He has also started tracing letters and spelling his name out loud.
My little crazy girl:)
Bailey loves to help bounce wyatt. Sometimes its a little scary but I think its so sweet when she trys to take care of him.
Me and my sweet angels after a nice mothers day nap!
I love Wyatts smile in this one.
Bentley has hit a growth spurt and is tall and skinny. He loves ride his bike, play wrestle, watch movies, and is quite independent these days.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Baby Blessing for our nephew Trey and Wyatt at 3 weeks
Me and my cute boys!
Baby Wyatt at 3 weeks
Baby Trey in his blessing outfit. He was asleep most of the time and I almost forgot to get one of this cute boy!
Brody and Collin eating there bbq
All of the cute grandkids
Tate is such a great babysitter already. He must take after his dad, the baby whisperer:)
Collin with some of the grandkids.
First family picture of all five of us!
four generations
Jessica always making something delish!;)
four generations
Rexy Roo being silly
Colby, Bentley , and j chowing down on the yummy food.
My little angels
Bailey was trying her best to get away from me.
Jon, Chad , and Grandpa West
Grandma and Grandpa Curtis
Me and my girly
My handsome boy always on the go
Princess Bailey in her Easter dress
Bentley and Belle
Collin and J
We were able to go see my brother Kyle bless his first baby on April 15, 2012. He was born one month before Wyatt so we are lucky to have a close cousin in age for Wyatt to play with when they are older. Kyle gave a wonderful blessing and Kelsey bore a thoughtful testimony. They are such great parents and baby Trey is such a cutie. We are so lucky to live close to family! After we went to a luncheon at Kelsey's parents home where we ate yummy bbq sandwiches, potato salad, chips, dips, and more. The kids played and ran wild as usual while the adults visited. Wyatt is now 3 weeks and is such a good baby. I always thought nursing was the hardest thing about being a mom to a newborn but wyatt has proved me wrong. He is doing leaps and bounds better then my other two ever did. Happy baby= happy momma:) He is such a blessing and pretty much eat, sleeps, and poops. He is having more awake time now though and will stare at me and turn his head towards the different sounds going on around him. Bentley and Bailey still mostly ignore him but when they do want to see him they are soft with him and pat his little head and give him kisses. Bailey even started carrying around her baby doll and swaying like I do with wyatt and patting it's back. I am so grateful for my little family of 5 and although being a mom is not for wimps, it is a lot of hard work, I wouldn't change a thing.
Friday, May 04, 2012
Wyatt is now over 1 month old!
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