Monday, March 23, 2020

January 2020

Happy new year! I am grateful for this time of year to have a fresh start to set goals and plan for the months ahead. I am hoping to lose weight by running every day, read my scriptures more in depth, prepare better lessons for the kids from come follow me, be more positive, serve my family and others more. The kids have also set goals and I love watching them work towards them. January always seems to be a long month but it doesn’t bother me because it’s a fun month to get out and enjoy nature, where winter clothes(which is a rarity), and see the kids start their winter sports seasons. The boys play basketball and the girls play soccer. Bailey has a fun skills camp and the boys are going to some extra basketball workshops to get better. They are all so talented and it is fun watching them improve! Olivia is talking more and more and she sometimes takes us off guard with her requests and demands. For example she will say mom stand up, I show you something. Or mommy let’s play hot potato or mommy kick me the ball. She is athletic and loves tos play dolls/house. Sophia is doing well with preschool and she is growing so fast! Every one mentions how tall she is for her age! Bentley is getting great test scores in school and his teachers enjoy having him in their classes. Bailey loves her friends, vocal performance class, and playing soccer. Wyatt is a happy go lucky seven year old boy that has enough energy for all of us! He is a star on his basketball team and gets better with each game!

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