Sunday, March 31, 2019

Disneyland 2019

Jon and I are not Disney people. We have taken our older kids twice when they were younger and the experience we had was stressful! Since it had been over five years since we last went, we figured it was time to give it a try again. Sophia is at an age where she loves everything Disney and so she was extra excited when we told the kids we were going. Jon researched and figured the best time to go was a week in February he could get away from work and we could hopefully go at a less buys time for the park. Well it's Disney and Disney is never not packed. We stayed in a hotel in walking distance of the park. Seven people crammed in one room is not my idea of a vacation, but I had to keep reminding myself we were there for the kids! We had tickets for four days at the parks. We ended up going to California Adventure twice and Disney twice. Mind you this writing is from my perspective and my perspective only. I believe Jon and the older kids had a blast all week. It was exhausting and hard on me as a mother. I had fun at times but felt that most of the weight of feeding, nap time for Olivia, and tantrums fell to me. I would guess that most families trips are like this. Hard Work! But memories are made and the kids don't remember all the bad like us parents do. We rode all the rides several times, tried fun treats all around the parks, visited with Disney Characters, looked at and picked out souvenirs, and withstood the severe wind and rain at times. It was a trip to remember and I hope the kids will always remember the excitement they felt and the fun they had!

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